Why is There Mold in My New Vancouver House?

Houses have always been built in the rain around Vancouver. After all it is raining most of the time in the Lower Mainland. Why do we seem to have more mold problems in new construction? […]

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Can a Home Inspection Detect a Vancouver Grow House?

Can a real estate pre-purchase home inspection detect a former grow operation? Not according to Mike Holmes from Holmes on Homes and CBC Market Place who investigated the problem in Ontario and and here in BC. Recently the consumer program run by CBC called Market Place did a segment on detecting former grow operations by […]

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Mould Removal and Killing Mould in Vancouver BC

A lot of people ask me about how to kill mould. This is the first questions I often get asked by someone who has a mould problem in Vancouver or other areas of BC that wants get rid of mould. […]

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Indoor Air Quality Testing Vancouver BC

How is the Indoor Air Quality in Vancouver? We often hear that we have great air quality in Vancouver. Are people talking about the indoor air? […]

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Buying a Former Marijuana Grow Operation in Vancouver?

Marijuana grow ops are common in Metro Vancouver and BC. For years the industry has thrived due to the large market south of the border for indoor grown marijuana. […]

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Testing for Mold in Vancouver BC

There are a two common ways to test for mold typically used in Metro Vancouver. […]

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How Did The Mold Get Into My House?

During Metro Vancouver Mold Inspections we often get asked; How did the mold get into my house? One thing a lot of people do not realize is mold is everywhere. […]

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