Q: It was only a “small” meth lab for a couple of months. Is testing necessary?
A: Even a meth lab set up for a few days can produce a toxic situation. All former meth labs or drug houses regardless of size should be tested prior to occupancy.
Q: What tests are typically performed on former meth labs or drug houses?
A: There are various tests performed on former meth labs and drug houses. They include testing for precursor chemical residues and drug residues.
Q: The meth lab or drug house was shut down years ago. Should the chemicals have dissipated by now?
A: Even meth labs or drug houses that have been shutdown for 10 years or more can still contain toxic levels of chemicals. Residues do not just go away over time. The toxic effects remain until it is cleaned properly. Only testing can determine if the levels are safe.
Q: A former meth house I want to buy was already tested by another company in the past. Does this mean the house is safe?
A: No, unfortunately some companies completing this work do improper analysis of the results so often former meth houses that “pass” testing are still not safe and should not be occupied. We recommend you have your own testing done just like you would have your own home inspection.
Q: Are the test results or findings confidential?
A: The results of any ABM Environmental testing, assessments or report are 100% confidential. The reports and findings will not be released to anyone including government agencies without your permission first.
Q: How do I set up testing?
A: Call us at (604) 568-5177 or fill out our Online Assessment Form.